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Wednesday, 30 January 2013

atheism with a capital "A":

Check out this interesting discussion on whether atheism should be Atheism, as religions are capitalised should this be? Concept/ideology vs proper noun/establishment?

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Morality? Pornstar vs Prostitute:

In a recent article in The Tech, the MIT online newspaper, the student journalist replies to a series of letters outlining that harassment and the abuse of women directly correlates to exposure to pornography.

Are these two professions immoral? Pornstar and prostitute. If we look at a specifically feminist perspective then we could see this discussion in two ways. 1) the degradation of women in these industries is as a result of a market being demanded upon by men (mostly, but not entirely). 2) that women have the freedom and right to expression in whatever way they see fit, and therefore the industries are inherently their own responsibility.

The porn industry and prostitution don't have to be anti-feminist. Although some parts of the industry are. For example that the majority of the highest grossing products tend to be focused explicitly towards men, for example lesbian scenes in porn.

You could argue that women are empowered by using their bodies for money but that is itself reduced by the fact that many prostitutes are pornstars and they do that job because they cannot do anything else. That is therefore not empowering.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

History of Philosophy KCL, Socrates:

King's College London have a website which works in partnership with other universities. Within this website are podcasts and pages which explain in detail the early Christian Church and the foundations of phiclosophical thought.

This is one of there most popular videos.

Three Minute Philosophers: Aquinas