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Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Introduction to PPE by Tamar Gendler:

Tamar Gendler is the Head of the Philosophy faculty at Yale University, USA. In this video she is outlining the introduction to how the disciplines of Philosophy, Politics and Economics interact with each other, touching on Plato's dialogues and the social construct theory.

Do watch and comment. Questions you may wish to ask are:

1) How has political philosophy had to adapt as technological advances are made?
2) What are the implicatrions of Nozick's views about democracy, anarchy and economics?

The 3 Minute Philosopher strikes again:

John Locke

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The first edition of @DCReligionTheology gets published on Saturday for Founders Day.

Look out for your copy!

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Christianity in the media

This video is targeted at GCSE 'Religion and the Media'. It's an ethics topic in B604. The concept of this video is to get you thinking outside of the proverbial box in order to understand how religion is viewed in society.