There have been many attempts at clarifying whether or not Jesus of Nazareth had a wife. From works of fiction (The DaVinci Code) to coptic translations.
There is always a question of authority when approaching ancient translations. Not so much authority of the scholar who uncovers them, but the text itself. Language is fluid, words and meanings shift over time in order to keep up with constantly globalising cultures.
This particular text is dated to a similar time as one of the Gospel texts. When the Christian canon was compiled, in various attempts to agree on a doctrine, there were inevitably some texts which were left out.
However the legitimacy of this particular text is sincerely debatable. It is imperative that we approach theories like this with an academic hat on, one which enables rather than dismisses. If this text is indeed legitimate and seen as a historic document which teaches us more about the life of the protagonist Jesus then we need to be aware of the implications. If therefore this text is legitimate and was not included in the Christian canon, we must try and understand why it was not integral to the development of the Christian religion.
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